Courtesy of WOWSA, Yokosuka, Japan.
While a bunch of Navy SEALs and their friends and supporters were doing their best to raise over US$600,000 at the Tampa Bay Frogman Swim in Florida in January, a group of military personnel and friends in Yokosuka, Japan were also doing their own part, both virtually and practically.
The group organized the Frogman Swim Yokosuka to coincide with the original Tampa Bay Frogman Swim as a virtual swim. Yokosuka is a city in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, south of Tokyo.
“We swam 5 km in under an hour and 20 minutes while raising some appreciation for a great event and the Navy SEAL Foundation.”
Now in addition to the Tampa Bay Frogman Swim, Rory O’Connor and Kurt Ott are now organizing the new Golden Gate Frogman Swim in San Francisco on August 6th and expanding globally with Logan and friends.
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