Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.
Scenes of despair, terror, and fins in the recently released Hollywood movie, USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage, depict the survivors and victims of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis during World War II.
USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage is a Hollywood movie starring Nicholas Cage with plenty of haunting scenes of shark encounters and shark attacks that show the horror that faced 1,197 sailors on board the American ship heading to the Philippines. Ultimately, only 317 men survived after dealing with heat, injuries, dehydration, hunger, hallucinations and random shark attacks for four long days and nights.
While the movie presents sharks from one perspective, the Defenders of Wildlife, the Shark Savers, the Global Shark Conservation, the Shark Foundation, and other groups and foundations give a real-life perspective of sharks’ plight in the contemporary world.
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