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Extremely Hardened Athletes: Ice Ironmen, Ice Ironwomen

Extremely Hardened Athletes: Ice Ironmen, Ice Ironwomen

Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.

Triathletes and ice swimmers are incredible athletes in their respective sports. But there are a unique subset of triathletes who are also ice swimmers and vice versa.

These rare athletes are known either as an Ice Ironman or an Ice Ironwoman.

The Ice Ironmen and Ice Ironwomen have completed both an Ice Mile and a full Ironman triathlon.

They must complete their Ice Mile is an officially recognized non-wetsuit swim of one statute mile in water 5ºC (41ºF) or less under the auspices of the International Ice Swimming Association. Their Ironman Triathlon must be a full triathlon with a 3.8 km swim, 180 km ride, and a 42.2 km marathon run.

Ice Ironwomen
* ‪Conny Prasser‪ (Germany)
* Claire Bustin-Mulkern‪ (UK)
* Kellie Joyce Latimer‪ (USA)
* ‪Jaimie Monahan‪ (USA)

Ice Ironmen
* Christof Wandratsch (Germany)
* ‪Paul Fowler‪ (UK)
* ‪John Dyer‪ (UK)
* ‪Cerys Thomas‪ (Gibraltar, shown above)
* ‪Paolo Chiarino‪ (Italy)
* ‪Stuart Hinde‪ (UK)
* Kieron Palframan (South Africa)
* ‪Leszek Naziemiec‪ (Poland)
* David Coleman‪ (New Zealand)
* ‪Pádraig Mallon‪ (Ireland)

Wandratsch is the fastest Ice Ironman, completing a full Ironman triathlon in 10 hours 10 minutes where he still holds the course record for the 3.8 km swim leg in 41 minutes 28 seconds in addition to a 21 minute 28 second Ice Mile completed in December 2013.

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