There have been a total of 2289 Channel swims, 208 of which have been part of multiple-way swims.
1081 swimmers have completed a total of 1500 solo swims.
Approximately 3961 swimmers have taken part in 651 relay swims and 138 special category swims.
64.4% of swimmers have been male (solo, relay and special category).
35.6% of swimmers have been female.
The average age of a solo swimmer is 33 years, 180 days (based on 585 swims, 39% of all solos)
35.5% of solo swims have been made by swimmers from the UK, 20.4% from the USA.
Average solo crossing time: 13 hours, 20 minutes and 11 seconds.
Average relay crossing time: 12 hours, 15 minutes and 39 seconds.
Average special category crossing time: 12 hours, 48 minutes and 44 seconds.
If every successful Channel swim was made consecutively, it would take 3 years, 144 days, 0 hours, 41 minutes and 37 seconds.
The most successful day of the year, with 47 swims, is 28th August.
Copyright © 2010 by Steven Munatones