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Embrace The Challenge In The Open Water

Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.

A cross border swim is an international swim or intercontinental swim that starts in one country or continent and finishes in another country or continent, crossing a border somewhere along the course.

There are many cross-border open water swims around the world. Some include Georgeville or Bust (between Canada and USA), In Search of Memphre (between Canada and USA), Bente Weber Memorial Swim (between Nevis to St. Kitts), Bosphorus Cross-Continental Swim (between Asia and Europe), and then a variety of solo channel crossings like the English Channel (between England and France), Strait of Gibraltar (between Spain and Morocco), Denmark Strait (between Iceland and Greenland), Beltquerung (between Denmark and Germany), Clean Cross Swim (between Hong Kong and Macau), Japan to Taiwan Ocean Challenge (between Japan and Taiwan), Taiwan Strait (between China and Taiwan), Río Paraguay (between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay), Río Sixaola (between Costa Rica and Panama), Øresund (between Sweden and Denmark), Guadiana River (between Spain and Portugal), Gulf of Bahrain (between Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia), Gulf of Mexico (between USA, Mexico, and Cuba), Red Sea (between Egypt and Saudi Arabian), Narva River (between Estonia and Russia), and a number of transoceanic swims (either transatlantic or transpacific).

Embrace The Challenge is a new 20 km marathon swim for solo swimmers and relays across Lake Erie between Eastern Lake Erie from Sturgeon Point, New York (USA) to Crystal Beach, Ontario (Canada).

The August 19th lake crossing offers four different categories:

• Naked Solo Crossing without neoprene swimwear
• Wetsuit Solo Crossing with neoprene swimwear
• Naked Relay without neoprene swimwear for 4-6 swimmers
• Wetsuit Relay with neoprene swimmer for 4-6 swimmers

For more information, visit here.

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