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Dolphins Frollicking In The Open Water

Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.

The renowned Dolphin Club provides an ideal training ground for swimmers who wish to challenge themselves by undertaking long-distance swims in San Francisco Bay and elsewhere.

Its members have long distinguished themselves in many marathon swimming events, relays and solo swims throughout the world. With San Francisco Bay’s Aquatic Park as its training ground, the Dolphin Club members are well-prepared for cold-water swims, strong tidal conditions and rough water.

Some of their members who have completed the English Channel include the following individuals:

1953 – Toufie Blaik in 16:05 (France to England)

1985 – Suzanne Heim in 10:11 (France to England)

1986 – Suzanne Heim in 10:02 (England to France)

1986 – Suzanne Heim in 10:24 (England to France)

1988 – Diana Abele in 11:20 (England to France)

1990 – John Davies in 10:01 (England to France)

1994 – Laura Burtch in 11:45 (England to France)

1995 – John Selmer in 10:58 (England to France)

1996 – Becky Fenson in 10:12 (England to France)

1996 – Steve Walker in 13:31 (England to France)

1996 – Peter Urrea in 14:38 (England to France)

1999 – Heather Royer in 10:43 (England to France)

2000 – Suzie Dods in 12:37 (England to France)

2003 – Phil Scarborough in 12:08 (England to France)

2003 – Duke Dahlin in 14:37 (England to France)

2004 – John Ottersberg in 14:36 (England to France)

2004 – Si Bunting in 9:44 (England to France)

2005 – Neal Rayner in 13:50 (England to France)

2005 – Brian Herrick in 12:58 (England to France)

2005 – Tom Keller in 11:23 (England to France)

Photo courtesy of the Dolphin Club.

Copyright © 2011 by World Open Water Swimming Association

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