The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

To educate, entertain, and enthuse those who venture beyond the shore


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Dolfin’ing With Lexie Kelly

Courtesy of Dolfin Swimwear, Newport Beach, California.

California swimmer and coach Lexie Kelly has participated in professional, amateur, swim-run, marathon and hundreds of open water races throughout South Africa, Egypt, Japan, Macedonia, Croatia, Brazil, Turkey, Cayman Islands, Italy, England, Scotland, Spain, Argentina, Canada and all across America from Hawaii and California to Nevada and Florida.

On behalf of a number of companies who market to the open water swimming market, Kelly has appeared in a wide variety of promotional videos and advertisements including her lastest one on behalf of Dolfin Swimwear (see above).

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with Endless Pools

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with Mental Illness Awareness Week promotional video by the National Alliance on Mental Awareness’ #curestigma

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with Race Club Swimisodes – Improve Freestyle Technique

with Race Club Swimisodes – Yoga for Swimmers – Core Exercise

with Race Club Swimisodes – Resistance Exercises

with Race Club Swimisodes – Yoga for Swimmers – Legs

with KAATSU Aqua

with KAATSU Aqua

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