Dogging It Across Lakes And Oceans
Courtesy of Lucky Meisenheimer, Lake Cane, Florida.
Digger is a swimming dog (canine swimmer) that just completed his 1,000th 1 km crossing of Lucky’s Lake in Orlando, Florida since 2011.
Other well-known aquatic luminaries in the canine world include:
* Jake, La Jolla, California
* Guri Bosch, Vermont
* Robbie
* Barney, Sarasota, Florida
* Massi, Ostia Beach, Rome
* Rambo, Ostia Beach, Rome
* Romeo, Ostia Beach, Rome
* Udaine, South Africa
* Butch, South Africa
* Manaia, Honolulu, Hawaii
Photo of canine escort crew member courtesy of Phil White, Island Pond Swim, Vermont.
Dogs just don’t swim or serve as observers in open water swims across lakes and in oceans. There are also surfing canines (surfurs) that compete in the Petco Surf City Surf Dog® Competition in Huntington Beach, California.
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