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Competition Starts To Heat Up In Lac Memphrémagog

From Magog, Québec, Canada. With the water temperature at 77°F (25°C) and the air temperature forecasted to be up to 86°F (30°C) on Saturday under cloudless skies, the thousands of fans will be treated to quite a competition between Petar Stoychev and his rivals.

Will Petar capture his 11th consecutive Traversée Internationale du Lac Memphrémagog this Saturday in Quebec, Canada? He appears confident, but he knows that he is facing some mighty fast competition.

Last week, Trent [Grimsey] pushed very hard at two hours. He had a 200-meter lead and I could not even see him. He is very tough. Fast,” said Petar with a smile and gleam in his eye before the 2K sprint race…that was comfortably won by Trent.

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