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Coltman In Cane

Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.

Professional acrobat Kate Coltman is a regular swimmer in Florida’s Lake Cane.

In the darkness before the sun rises, Coltman’s smile is bright as can be before and after she does the out-and-back 1 km course made famous by Lucky Meisenmheimer. Like her fellow early morning regulars in Lucky’s Lake, Colt is fit and friendly.

An acrobat since the age of 4, Coltman has always been fit and friendly. Her father Michael first set up acrobatic rigs for her at the age of 2 while he was running a Club Med. Since they have moved and now find themselves in Orlando where Kate performs twice a day for Cirque du Soleil.

Off stage, the British performer runs, swims, and does all kinds of fitness routines. But in the dark early mornings on the shores of Lake Cane, Coltman joins the global open water swimming community.

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