Courtesy of Oscar Rubio, Lago Maggiore, Maccagno, Italy.
The fifth stage of the Open Water World Tour was held in Lago Maggiore in Giona Park, Maccagno, Italy.
The 3-race event included the 2.5 km Smile Swim, the 6 km Hard Swim, and the 3 x 925m Relay and were held in sunny, calm conditions in beautiful water.
Rabio Riganti won the 6 km Hard Swim with Giacomo Simeoni finishing fourth overall as the first natural (non-wetsuit) swimmer. Camilla Montalbetti of Swimming Club Brebbia was the first woman ahead of Jane Hoag (non-wetsuit) and Giulia Uggè. On the Open Water World Tour, more points are given for the non-wetsuit placing in the Natural category compared to the wetsuit category.
Oscar Rubio said, “It is difficult to forget the spectacular rainbow of multi-colored buoys scattered around the lake on Sunday, but we move on to the next stop of the Open Water World Tour in California at the Crown Beach Race in Alameda on the 11th of August, an event organized by Odyssey Open Water Swimming.”
Top 10 Hard Swim 6 km Male Results
1 Fabio Riganti 1:14:35
2 Filippo Marchini 1:16:40
3 Daniele Savia 1:18:45
4 Simeoni Giacomo 1:22:35 [non-wetsuit]
5 Diego Fedeli 1:23:11
6 Marco Lancini 1:23:48
7 Massimo Pernumian 1:24:28
8 Andrea Giavardi 1:24:28
9. Alessandro Demarchi 1:24:33
10 Christian Melucci 1:24:40
Top 10 Hard Swim 6 km Female Results
1 Camilla Montalbetti 1:24:15
2 Jane Ann Hoag 1:28:41
3 Giulia Uggè 1:34:19
4 Maria Lina Perolari 1:35:44
5 Silvia Caprioli 1:38:59
6 Rita Selleri 1:44:40
7 Valeria Poltronieri 1:45:01
8 Anna Maria Donini 1:49:26
9 Lorena Negrini 1:49:40
10 Maddalena Dulio 1:52:22
Top 10 Smile Swim 2.5 km Male Results
1 Stefano Ghisolfo 32:31
2 Daniele Savia 32:33
3 Sandro Vezzani 32:42
4 Andrea Battioli 34:54
5 Matteo Morbis 36:02
6 Giacomo Piantanida 37:07
7 Alessandro Barra 37:14
8 Francesco Brezzi 37:16
9 Nicola Spreafico 37:31
10 Daniele Patruno 38:29
Top 10 Smile Swim 2.5 km Female Results
1 Chiara Lorenzi 36:46
2 Carlotta Barra 39:14
3 Alice Frigerio 39:54
4 Fabrizia La Greca 40:59
5 Carlotta Maffezzoli 41:19
6 Laura Bianchi 41:37
7 Martina Ramponi 42:41
8 Sara Bernasconi 42:42
9 Gilemma Nugnes 42:56
10 Dragana Clarke 43:10
For more information, visit and the Lago Maggiore race here.
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