Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.
Bruckner Chase will give his annual presentation to an overflowing crowd of runners, triathletes and adventure athletes at the Endurance Sports Expo at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center this weekend.
Chase will speak on Balance – Power – Peace or lessons from the ocean to improve performance in the water and on land.
The Expo is promoting Chase’s talk as follows: “How a triathlete approaches and performs in the swim can positively or negatively impact their entire experience on land and in the water. Today there is an overload of information and tools that claim will change everything for us in the water. With so much to read, buy, follow and analyze it’s no wonder we get lost in the process and rarely experience the breakthrough we seek.
Come learn how to condense the information overload to just three things that will positively impact your journey from the water’s edge to the finish line.”
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