Courtesy of Chris Astill-Smith and the Channel Swimming Association.
* Ned Wieland (Australia) 9 hours 45 minutes: C.S.A. Gold Medal for Fastest Swim of the Year
* Rebecca Lewis (England) 9 hours 48 minutes: C.S.A. Centenary Trophy for Fastest Swim by a British Person
* Rebecca Lewis (England) 9 hours 48 minutes: Sotiraki Trophy for the Fastest Swim by a Lady
* Michael Read (England) 33 crossings: King of the Channel Trophy for the Most Successful Swims by a Man
* Kristian Phillips (Wales) 20 hours 48 minutes: Van Audenaerde Trophy for the Greatest Feat of Endurance
* Michael Powell (Australia) 12 hours 45 minutes: Van Audenaerde Special Award, a Special Award to a Disabled Swimmer
* Ned Wieland (Australia) 9 hours 45 minutes: John Unicume Wood Cup for Fastest Swim by a Man
* Pat Gallant-Charette (USA) 17 hours 55 minutes at 66 years 135 days: O’Clee Jubilee Trophy for the Oldest Successful Swimmer
* Alison Streeter (England) 39 crossings: Ray and Audrey Scott Trophy for the Most Successful Swims by a Woman
* Ned Wieland (Australia) 9 hours 45 minutes at 16 years 10 days: The Graeme Thompson Trophy for the Youngest Successful Swimmer
* Rebecca Lewis (England) 9 hours 48 minutes: Sunny Lowry Trophy for Fastest British Lady
* Tony Lanni: Observer of the Year Shield for the Best Observer
* Paul Robson (England) 15 hours 33 minutes: Oldman Memorial Trophy for the Most Meritorious B.L.D.S.A. Swimmer
* Sameer Dinkar Patil (India) 15 hours 19 minutes: Rosemary George Trophy for the Most Meritorious Swim of the Year
* Team Brasil 2017 (6 males from Brazil) 9 hours 38 minutes: Mrs. Garnet Martin Trophy for the Fastest Relay 6 Persons
* East Coast Icicles (4 males + 2 females) 10 hours 16 minutes: The Ray Scott Trophy for the Fastest Mixed Relay 6 Persons
* Andy’s Ladies (England-France) 9 hours 47 minutes: John and Gwen Jacques Shield for the Fastest Ladies Relay 6 Person
* Team Brasil 2017 (6 males from Brazil) 9 hours 38 minutes: Stan Maycock Shield for the Fastest Men’s Relay 6 Persons
* East Coast Icicles (15 years 97 days): The John Bullet Trophy for the Youngest Relay Team 6 Persons
* Bob Burrow (USA) 10 hours 51 minutes: Robert Lyle Memorial Trophy for the Fastest American Swimmer
* Paule Kremer (Luxembourg) 13 hours 54 minutes + Dina Levačić (Croatia) 11 hours 42 minutes: Miss Montserrat Tresserras Trophy for A Swimmer from a New Country
* Andy’s Ladies (England-France-England) 20 hours 21 minutes: Teresa Zarzeczanska Trophy for the Fastest Ladies 2 Way Relay
* Enrique Flores: Audrey Scott Award for the Greatest Contribution to the CSA
* Maxence Paindavoine (France) 14 hours 12 minutes Pierre Van Vooren Memorial Trophy for the Best Swimmer in Arduous Conditions
* Everyone Loves Raymond (2 females) 12 hours 18 minutes: Julie Bradshaw Award for the Greatest Feat of Endurance Ladies Relay
* Red Top Bulls (3 males) International 10 hours 42 minutes: Montserrat Tresserras Shield for the Fastest Men’s Relay, Not 6 Swimmers
* Red Top Swim Grimsey Adult SwimFit (4 males + 1 female) International 8 hours 47 minutes: Ray Cossum Shield for the Fastest Mixed Relay, Not 6 Swimmers
* The Chapman Chicks (2 females, British) 10 hours 59 minutes: The Bill Pickering Shield for the Fastest Ladies Relay, Not 6 Swimmers
* Chloë McCardel (Australia) 20 hours 36 minutes: Mark Rickhuss Memorial Trophy for the Fastest Solo 2 Way Swim of the Year
* Wesley Nolan, Mike Dawson, Mohamed El Huseiny, The Brave Turks: CSA Special Award
* Chris Astill-Smith (England) 11 hours 43 minutes [see above] and John Zemaitis (USA) 11 hours 11 minutes: Belhedi Trophy for the Swim on the Highest Tide
* Maxence Paindavoine (France) 14 hours 12 minutes: Derek Turner Trophy for the Earliest/Latest Swim on June 13th
* Pat Gallant-Charette (USA) 17 hours 55 minutes at 66 years 135 days: Mercedes Gleitze Trophy for the Female Pioneer Swim
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