The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

To educate, entertain, and enthuse those who venture beyond the shore


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Celebrating Birthdays All Year Round

It seems Americans like getting things completed early in the work.

The most popular day for a baby’s birth is Tuesday. The second most popular day to be born is Monday.

Sunday is the least popular day. Part of this reason is that induced labors and scheduled c-sections play a significant factor on why why many fewer weekend births. But according to the available data, the spontaneous (natural) deliveries even occur less often on the weekends too.

In terms of when babies are born, the data shows that more American babies are born in September than any other month. Then August, June and July were the next most popular months for births up to the year 2008.

But with 4 million babies born each year in the United States, and an estimated total of 370,000 new babies being born each day around the world, every day is a birthday for at least a few hundred open water swimmers in the U.S. and around the world.

We took one sample of birthdays last week – and the following swimmers celebrated another year of open water swimming opportunities:

Sandy Neilson-Bell (USA): 3-time Olympic champion and open water race director (shown above).
Tamara Bruce (Australia): Record holder of the Rottnest Channel Swim.
Ekaterina Seliverstova (Russia): World championship medal-winning open water swimmer.
Roger Gervais (Canada): One of the organizers of the Traversée Internationale du lac St-Jean.
Karlyn Pipes-Neilsen (USA): Professional swimmer and renowned coach.
Matteo Testa (Italy): Swimmer, coach and race director of events in Italy and Spain.
Keith Bartolo (Malta): Member of the Windermere 12-way Warriors.
Kieron Palframan (South Africa): Accomplished extreme swimmer and multiple-time ice swimmer.
Mariejo Truex (USA): Sports Performance Consultant with USA Swimming.
Diana McCandless (USA): Washington State open water swimmer and race organizer.
Cherie Mester Edborg (USA): Channel swimmer and working mother from California.
Penny Lee Dean (USA): One of history’s greatest marathon swimmers and coaches.
Laura Lopez-Bonilla (Spain): Marathon swimmer with 2 of the Oceans Seven channels completed.
Érika Saldanha Guimarães (Brazil): TV, marketing and advertising professional with Effect Sport.
Devon Clifford (Australia): Marathon swimmer with a body of work around Manhattan Island
Jeremy Vail (USA): Multiple-time trainer for USA Swimming National Open Water Swim Team
Sam Freas (USA): Highly decorated and successful coach.
Alina Warren (Scotland): Swam along the entire Great Glen Way included 16 lochs in the Trossachs.
Ana Marcela Cunha (Brazil): World 25 km marathon swimming champion.

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