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Celebrating Australian Channel Swimmers

Courtesy of Michael Teys, Sydney, Australia.

The inaugural Australian Channel Swimmer’s Dinner was held on November 17th at the MUA/ITF Conference Center in Sydney. Michael Teys hosted the event. “We celebrated Australian long distance swimmers and their crew. We recognized this year’s Oceans Seven swimmer and Triple Crown of Open Water Swimmers while paying tribute to the first English Channel swimmers.”

Among the honorees, the swims of Susie Maroney (English Channel crossings achieved on July 31st 1990 in 8 hours 29 minutes at the age of 15, and a two-way crossing in 17 hours 14 minutes – 8 hours 19 minutes one way and 8 hours 55 minutes the other way – at the age of 16 on July 22nd 1991), Cyril Baldock (English Channel crossings achieved in 1993, a four-way relay in 43 hours 7 minutes, on August 18th 1985 in 10 hours 44 minutes, and on August 20th 2014 in 12 hours 45 minutes at the age of 70 years 9 months), and Shelley Taylor-Smith (English Channel crossing achieved on August 27th 1990 in 9 hours 27 minutes) were recognized.

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