The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

To educate, entertain, and enthuse those who venture beyond the shore


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Can You Swim And Chew Gum At The Same Time?

Chewing gum is not a complicated activity. Easier than riding a bike and a simple function, there is very little thought-process that goes into chewing gum.

But some swimmers – usually under the age of 25 – chew gum during practice in the pool or open water. And that dual activity becomes a bit more complicated, we believe.

However, the incessant gum chewers love the habit and would not think of swimming without their gum.

It keeps me busy,” “I like the taste,” “It keeps my mind off of boring sets,” “I chew gum all the time out of the water. Why not in the water too?” are just some of the reasons they chew gum.

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