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Bob Fernald Puts Best Foot Forward In Triple Crown

Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.

American Bob Fernald culminated his three-year journey to achieve the Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming this week.

The 49-year-old from North Hampton, New Hampshire became the latest person to become a Triple Crowner with his crossing of the Catalina Channel.

But his journey did not start on the right foot.

Fernald completed a crossing of the English Channel in 10 hours 50 minutes at the age of 47 in July 2014. But he overcame a fractured foot 90 days prior to the swim after falling off his roof. “It was Force 4/5 conditions all day. I was still on crutches, in non-weight bearing mode.”

He followed up his English Channel crossing with the 2015 Manhattan Island Marathon Swim in New York in 7 hours 15 minutes and his Catalina Channel crossing in 9 hours 12 minutes at the age of 49 on August 25th to join an esteemed group of marathon swimmers.

Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming Club:

1. Alison Streeter (UK)
2. Taranath Narayan Shenoy (India)
3. Rick Barthels (U.S.A.)
4. Bob West (U.S.A.)
5. Peter Urrea (U.S.A.)
6. Carol Sing (U.S.A.)
7. Antonio Argüelles (Mexico) (twice, in 1999 and 2009)
8. Nick Olmos-Lau (Mexico)
9. T. Scott Coleman (U.S.A.)
10. Rebecca Jackman-Beeler (U.S.A.)
11. Kevin Murphy (UK)
12. Kathleen Wilson (U.S.A.)
13. Forrest Nelson (U.S.A.)
14. Andrew Hewitt (U.S.A.)
15. David Blanke (U.S.A.)
16. Elizabeth Fry (U.S.A.)
17. Marcia Cleveland (U.S.A.)
18. Bill Hoehn (U.S.A.)
19. Sally Minty-Gravett (Jersey)
20. James Pittar (Australia)
21. Scott Richards (U.S.A.)
22. Andrew ‘Alan’ Voisard (U.S.A.)
23. Tina Neill (U.S.A.) (twice in 2008 and 2012, both backstroke and freestyle)
24. Rendy Lynn Opdycke (U.S.A.)
25. Michelle Davidson (U.S.A.)
26. Michelle Macy (U.S.A.)
27. Tom Hecker (U.S.A.)
28. Erica Moffett (U.S.A.)
29. Nancy Steadman-Martin (U.S.A.)
30. Michael Miller (U.S.A.)
31. Nick Adams (UK)
32. Elaine Kornbau Howley (U.S.A.)
33. Stephen Autry (U.S.A.)
34. Jeffrey Cleveland (U.S.A.)
35. Sakura Hingley (UK)
36. Samantha Simon (U.S.A.)
37. Jim Barber (U.S.A.)
38. Craig Lenning (U.S.A.)
39. Mallory Mead (U.S.A.)
40. Dave Barra (U.S.A.)
41. Penny Palfrey (Australia) (twice, both in 2010 and 2015)
42. Dan Richards (U.S.A.)
43. Tobey Saracino (U.S.A.)
44. Yesenia Cabrera (Guatemala)
45. Michael Renford (Australia)
46. Mo Siegel (U.S.A.)
47. Anthony Zamora (U.S.A.)
48. Brad McVetta (U.S.A.)
49. Jaime Caballero (Spain)
50. William “Davis” Lee (Bahamas)
51. James Fitzpatrick (U.S.A.)
52. Darren Miller (U.S.A.)
53. Miquel Suñer Comalat (Spain)
54. Eddie Irwin (Ireland)
55. Selina Moreno Pasagali (Spain)
56. Katie Benoit (U.S.A./Germany)
57. Hendrik Meerman (U.S.A.)
58. Sarah Thomas (U.S.A.)
59. Dan Boyle (U.S.A.)
60. Barbara Held (U.S.A.)
61. Mariel Hawley (Mexico)
62. Dave Smith (U.S.A.)
63. Cindy Walsh (U.S.A.)
64. Jaimie Monahan (U.S.A.)
65. Ned Denison (U.S.A.)
66. Gabor Molnar (Hungary)
67. Roger Finch (South Africa)
68. Lance Ogren (U.S.A.)
69. Katy Dooley (U.S.A.)
70. Thomas W. Kofler (Italy)
71. Kent Nicholas (U.S.A.)
72. Barbara Pellick (Australia)
73. Nial Funchion (U.S.A.)
74. Karen Throsby (UK)
75. James Penrose (UK)
76. Jim Neitz (U.S.A.)
77. Steven Green (U.S.A.)
78. Ron Collins (U.S.A.)
79. Courtney Moates Paulk (U.S.A.)
80. Javier Gutierrez (Mexico)
81. Samuel Neri (Mexico)
82. Ceinwen Roberts (Australia)
83. Graeme Lowe (Jersey)
84. Lisa Delaurentis (Australia)
85. Gordon Gridley (U.S.A.)
86. Fionnuala Walsh (Ireland)
87. John Walker (U.S.A.)
88. Joelle Beard (U.S.A.)
89. Doug McConnell (U.S.A.)
90. David Livengood (U.S.A.)
91. Ranie Crowley Pearce (U.S.A.)
92. Marilyn Korzekwa (Canada)
93. Ciaran Byrne (Ireland)
94. Anthony McCarley (U.S.A.)
95. Scott Lautman (U.S.A.)
96. Marcy MacDonald (U.S.A.)
97. Daniel Robinson (U.S.A.)
98. Lachlan Hinds (Australia)
99. Jordan Waxman (Canada)
100. Charlotte Samuels (U.S.A.)
101. Loretta Cox (UK)
102. Timothy Donovan (UK)
103. Bridgette Hobart Janeczko (U.S.A.)
104. Miguel Guillermo Campero García (Mexico)
105. Colleen Blair (Scotland)
106. Helen Beveridge (Scotland)
107. Rohans More (India)
108. Jorge Crivilles Villanueva (Spain)
109. Pete Tanham (Australia)
110. Chris Burke (U.S.A.)
111. Suzie Dods (U.S.A.)
112. Daniel Fung (U.S.A.)
113. Thomas Bell (U.S.A.)
114. Abhejali Bernardova (Czech Republic)
115. Matthias Kaßner (Germany)
116. Frank Levy (U.S.A.)
117. Tori Gorman (Australia)
118. James Clifford (U.S.A.)
119. Yuta Tsuboi (Japan)
120. Shubham Dhananjay Vanmali (India)
121. William Shipp (U.S.A.)
122. Dr. Mark Smitherman (U.S.A.)
123. Patti Bauernfeind (U.S.A.)
124. James Tout (U.S.A.)
125. Bryan Avery (Scotland)
126. Victoria Moore (U.K.)
127. Michael Johmann
128. Javier Mérida Prieto (Spain)
129. Ernie Hoftyzer (U.S.A.)
130. Patrick McNight
131. Marty Filipowski (Australia)
132. Tracy Clark (New Zealand)
133. Michael Hanisch (Australia)
134. Rachael Elkaim (Australia)
135. Dean Summers (Australia)
136. Bob Fernald (USA)

Copyright © 2016 by World Open Water Swimming Association

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