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Blue Green Can Wipe Out Gold, Silver And Bronze

First, Facebook messages started to report that the Serpentine has reached 20°F (68°C).

Then, the London Evening Standard reported that Serpentine’s poisonous algae puts 2012 London Olympics events in jeopardy.

According to the publication, “…tests have found blue-green algae in the lake…swimmers are being warned they may suffer skin rashes, eye irritation, vomiting, diarrhea and fever if they swallow the contaminated water, which can kill dogs and other animals. The algae, which occurs naturally most summers, could reappear next August for the men’s and women’s triathlons, which include a 1.5K swim, and the marathon swimming races.”

It would be a real shame if the location were not able to be used for the upcoming Olympic 10K Marathon Swim test event and the 2012 London Olympics triathlon and 10K Marathon Swim, but without a doubt the London Olympic Organizing Committee have arranged for alternative locations.

Fortunately, Olympic 10K Marathon Swim manager Colin Hill has experience with these situations as he had to previously cancel England’s largest open water swim due to blue-green algae bloom that occurred in Windermere when the temperatures increased. And, whether the 10K swim is in the Serpentine or elsewhere, it is going to be a race for the ages.

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