The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

To educate, entertain, and enthuse those who venture beyond the shore


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Are You Part Of The Fortunate 6 Per Cent?

Social scientists tell us that only 6% of the population is really doing what they love in their lives.

But in meeting with open water swimmers around the world at events, on beaches, along bays, in rivers and escort boats, their joy and exhilaration for life indicate to us that many – if not a majority of – open water swimmers, coaches and officials are in that lucky 6%.

Why is that? What makes these open water swimmers so content with their lives and so satisfied with their careers, and in harmony with their friends and family?

They smile, they laugh, they reach out to others offering to help and share their experiences, knowledge and time.

Yet hard work, commitment and sacrifice also obviously play into their success. They realize that work, school and life do not always go to plan and figuring out solutions and overcoming obstacles are part of life’s course.

Please share your stories and how you achieved your dreams with The Daily News of Open Water Swimming. Tell us how hard work and sacrifice help you reach your dreams, whether your goals were achieved in the short run or took a longer time to come to fruition. Tell us who helped you along your way (to happiness and to success). Send us a poem, an anecdote, an example, an article or a first-person account, along with your photo, how you became part of that fortunate 6%.

We will share your stories on The Daily News of Open Water Swimming so others in the global open water swimming community can be inspired and educated

Email the information and photos, together with any video links, websites, blogs or Facebook pages, here.

Copyright © 2011 by Open Water Source

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