The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

To educate, entertain, and enthuse those who venture beyond the shore


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aQuellé Midmar Mile Specials

The aQuellé Midmar Mile is currently running specials on its various commemorative products:

Glodina 40th anniversary Midmar Mile towels @ R120.00
Glodina 40th anniversary Midmar Mile towels – Factory seconds @ R100.00
Engraved 40th anniversary Medal and certificate combination @ R50.00
Towel, Engraved 40th anniversary Medal and Certificate combination @ R160.00 (with Towel priced @ R120.00)

Photo shows a heat of swimmers at the aQuellé Midmar Mile in South Africa before the start. Some of these swimmer wear a golden cap which identifies them as members of the 8 Mile Charity Club. These golden caps cannot be purchased; they must be earned.

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