Courtesy of Radek Táborský, Bodování Českého poháru v dálkovém plavání, Czech Republic.
The Czech Republic open water swimming community is well-organized, whether it is winter swimming, creating regulations, or swimming across channels around the world. Its list of channel swimmers is below, headed by Venclovský Francis who enjoyed both winter swimming and channel swimming.
His memorial swim is shown above.
English Channel one-way soloists
1 Venclovský Francis (age 38) 1970 attempt with pilot Val Noakes
2 Venclovský Francis (39) 15 hours 26 minutes in 1971 with pilot Val Noakes
3 Jan Novák (32) 13 hours 27 minutes in 1974 with pilot Val Noakes
4 Venclovský Francis (43) 13 hours 42 minutes in 1975 with pilot Val Noakes
5 Jan Novák (33) 12 hours 45 minutes in 1975 with pilot Val Noakes
6 Jelinkova Ludmila (31) 10 hours 28 minutes in 1988 with pilot Reg Brickell
7 Richard Blatný (32) 1996 attempt with pilot Duncan Taylor
8 Lastik Libor (34) 15 hours 15 minutes in 1998 with pilot Lance Oram
9 Richard Blatný (34) 23 hours 38 minutes in 1998 with pilot Lance Oram
10 Petr Mihola (38) 1999 attempt with pilot Mike Oram
11 Richard Haan (51) 1999 attempt with pilot Lance Oram
12 Dana Zbořilová (26) 11 hours 56 minutes in 2001 with pilot Reg Brickell
13 Petr Mihola (41) 2002 attempt with pilot Mike Oram
14 Richard Haan (54) 14 hours 7 minutes 2002 attempt with pilot Lance Oram
15 Richard Haan (54) 2002 attempt with pilot Mike Oram
16 Jan Příborský (21) 12 hours 5 minutes in 2003 with pilot Reg Brickell
17 David Čech (19) 9 hours 34 minutes in 2004 with pilot Reg Brickell
18 Richard Haan (57) 2005 with pilot Reg Brickell
19 Stanislav Bartůšek (44) 10 hours 7 minutes 2005 with pilot Reg Brickell
20 Hlaváčová Yvetta (30) 8 hours 42 minutes in 2005 with pilot Reg Brickell
21 Petr Mihola (45) 16 hours 14 minutes in 2006 with pilot Reg Brickell
22 Hlaváčová Yvetta (31) 7 hours 25 minutes in 2006 with pilot Mike Oram
23 Hlaváčová Yvetta (31) 2006 attempt with pilot Mike Oram
24 David Čech (21) 9 hours 3 minutes in 2006 with pilot Reg Brickell
25 David Čech (21) 10 hours 51 minutes in 2006 with pilot Reg Brickell
26 Pytel Filip (18) 11 hours 3 minutes in 2007 with pilot Reg Brickell
27 Hlaváčová Yvetta (32) 7 hours 54 minutes in 2007 with pilot Mike Oram
28 Rostislav Vitek (33) 7 hours 16 minutes in 2009 with pilot Mike Oram
29 Paul Trebichavský (36) 2009 attempt with pilot Reg Brickell
30 Štěrbová Lenka (16) 9 hours 32 minutes in 2010 with pilot Reg Brickell
31 Bernardová Abhejali (34) 14 hours 37 minutes 2011 with pilot Chris Osmond
32 Coufal Ludek (41) 15 hours 57 minutes in 2011 with pilot Reg Brickell
33 Lokajová Aneta (20) 10 hours 37 minutes in 2013 with pilot Reg Brickell
34 Radek Táborský (44) 10 hours 32 minutes in 2015 with pilot Reg Brickell
35 Rucký Ales (44) 12 hours 12 minutes in 2015 with pilot Andy King
36 Krčálová Zdenka (31) 10 hours 49 minutes 2015 with pilot Reg Brickell
English Channel two-way soloists
1 Hlaváčová Yvetta (31) 2006 attempt with pilot Mike Oram
2 David Čech (21) 19 hours 54 minutes in 2006 with pilot Reg Brickell
English Channel one-way relays
1 CSA Channel Conquerors Centenary International Relay (Francis Venclovský, Jan Novák) 11 hours 29 minutes in 1975
2 Petr Mihola team 12 hours 5 minutes in 2002 with pilot Lance Oram
3 City of Brno Ladies 10 hours 16 minutes in 2011 with pilot Reg Brickell
4 Two Nations Team 12 hour 12 minutes in 2012 with pilot Reg Brickell
5 Sri Chinmoy Golden Jubilee Team 16 hours 19 minutes with pilot James Willi
Catalina Channel one-way soloists
1 Šuráň Kamil (36) 13 hours 20 minutes in 2011 with pilot Greg Elliott
2 Bernardová Abhejali (38) 9 hours 46 minutes with pilot John Pittman
Strait of Gibraltar one-way soloists
1 Paďourová Bronislava (16) 4 hours 47 minutes in 1993
2 Zavadilová Jana (17) 4 hours 47 minutes in 1993
3 Richard Haan (51) 5 hours 35 minutes in 2000
4 Petr Mihola (38) 5 hours 35 minutes in 2000
5 David Čech (22) 2 hours 38 minutes in 2008
6 David Čech (22) 6 hours 11 minutes in 2008
7 Bernardová Abhejali (36) 4 hours 35 minutes in 2013
8 Leišová Lucie (18) 6 hours 42 minutes in 2014
Strait of Gibraltar two-way soloists
1 David Čech (22) 8 hours 49 minutes in 2008
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