The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

To educate, entertain, and enthuse those who venture beyond the shore


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30 Years Ago Around New York City

Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.

On October 12th 1985 24-year-old Australian swimmer on break from the University of Arkansas set a record‬ for both men and women in her 6 hour 12 minute circumnavigation swim around Manhattan Island in New York.

Eventual 5-time winner and 7-time world professional marathon swimming champion Shelley Taylor-Smith wrote, “Absolute thanks and ‪#gratitude‬ to all the ‪New York City‬ Schnarr family including my NYC Mom and Dad Fran and Joe, sister and brother Nancy Schnarr, Billy William Schnarr and Joanie Schnarr, and crew Joe Coplan, Karen Hartley and Trish Spencer.”

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