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25 Years Later, 15 Seconds Short

25 Years Later, 15 Seconds Short

Courtesy of WOWSA, Alcatraz Island, California.

English Channel record holder Trent Grimsey just missed breaking the existing record for the fastest swim from San Francisco around Alcatraz Island and back.

Kim Peinado Howard of the South End Rowing Club, explains, “Trent attempted to break the round-trip Alcatraz swim record while he’s in town for our 19th Alcatraz Invitational Swim.”

Grimsey just missed breaking the 25-year round-trip 2.7-mile Alcatraz swim record of 1:05:15, held by Bob Placak of Tiburon, California by a mere 15 seconds. The round-trip Alcatraz swim started and ended at the beach of the South End Rowing Club in Aquatic Park Cove.

On September 14th, Grimsey will swim from Alcatraz to shore along with 850 other swimmers as part of the South End Rowing Club’s 19th Annual Alcatraz Invitational fundraising event.

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