Courtesy of Phil White, Memphremagog Winter Swimming Society, Vermont.
62-year-old Lynn Rublee of Newport, Vermont [shown above] and 52-year-old Elizabeth Hershey of Conestoga, Pennsylvania both qualified for the 5th annual Memphremagog Winter Swim Festival.
The duo both swam 25 meters in 35°F water at Eagle Point on Lake Memphremagog and will compete in a pool cut in the ice of Lake Memphremagog at the EastSide Restaurant in Newport, Vermont to be held on February 22nd – 24th 2019.
The competition is capped at a maximum of 100 swimmers. Registration closes on February 1st 2019.
Ages range from 11-year-old Margaret Rivard, 12-year-old Esme Kimber, 15-year-old Vera Rivard, and 17-year-old Denis Graham to 69-year-old Pam Ladds and 73-year-old Ginny Peck.
Swimmers from California, Washington D.C., Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Wisconsin, as well as South Africa, Colombia, Spain, and Scotland are scheduled to compete.
All-Time Memphremagog Winter Swim Festival Fastest 200m Freestylers:
1. Conor Turner (23 from Dublin, Ireland) 2.30.48 in 2018
2. Stephen Rouch (37 from Indianapolis, Indiana) 2.39.74 in 2018
3. Martha Wood (54 from Manchester, Massachusetts) 2.51.64 in 2018
4. Ted Hirsch (56 from Hull, Massachusetts) 2.52.23 in 2017
5. Martha Wood (53 from Manchester, Massachusetts) 2.52.44 in 2016
6. Ed Gabriels (56 from Brooklyn, New York) 2.54.00 in 2017
7. Martha Wood (55 from Manchester, Massachusetts) 2.55.30 in 2017
8. Ted Hirsch (54 from Hull, Massachusetts) 2.57.8 in 2016
9. Richard Born (55 from Boston, Massachusett) 2.58.11 in 2017
10. Charlotte Brynn (49 from Stowe, Vermont) 2.58.13 in 2016
11. Cindy Werhane (48 from Portland, Oregon) 2.58.78 in 2018
For more information on the Memphremagog Winter Swimming Society, visit here.
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