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2017 Global Open Water Swimming Conference In Tunisia

2017 Global Open Water Swimming Conference In Tunisia

Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.

The first Global Iron Swim in Tunisia will be held with the 2017 Global Open Water Swimming Conference and the WOWSA Awards this September at the coastal Bizerte Resort Hotel in Tunisia.

Majdouline Cherni, Minister of Youth and Sports of Tunisia, supports the plan put forth by Nejib Belhedi and organized by Imed Jabri, Secretary of State for Youth and Sports, Chokri Ben Hassen, Ministry Advisor, and Afif Kchouk, President & Director General of Bizerta Hotel Resort.

The 2017 Conference will cover the following topics including several more topics and ceremonies as well as a World Iron Swim event:

1. Safety in the Open Water
2. New Global Opportunities in the Open Water
3. Outstanding Races of 2016 including the Rio Olympic 10K Marathon Swim
4. Charity Swims
5. Environmental Swims
6. Ice Swimming and Winter Swimming
7. Ouma in Tunisia for the Next Generation
8. World Iron Swim
9. Speciality Swims including High-altitude Swims, Prison Island Swims and Stage Swims
10. New Equipment and Emerging Technologies of the Open Water
11. Corporate Sponsorship in the Sport
12. Future Trends in the Open Water
13. Honoring 2016 WOWSA Awards Winners: Nejib Belhedi (Tunisia), Jaimie Monahan (USA), Sarah Thomas (USA), Samsung Bosphorus Cross-Continental Swim (Turkey)

Hosting the Global Open Water Swimming Conference at the Bizerte Resort Hotel in Tunisia is a very big opportunity to make concrete short- and long-term developments for open water swimming in this part of the world,” remarked Belhedi.

My vision and plan is for Ouma [“to swim in the sea” in Arabic] to reach children in different regions throughout Tunisia without exception, Depending on their different swimming levels, we want to teach them how to swim in the sea or to perfect their talents or to improve their performances.”

The 2017 Global Open Water Swimming Conference, Ouma and World Iron Swim will be held between September 9th and 13th. Plans call for the Global Conference to be held September 9th, 10th and 11th. Ouma will be held September 12th at Sidi Salem Beach in front of the Bizerta Resort Hotel, and the World Iron Swim will be held September 13th in the Bizerta Channel.

Copyright © 2016 by World Open Water Swimming Association

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