Rob Dumouchel, a nominee for the World Open Water Swimming Performance of the Year is the lone entrant in the inaugural Pismo Polar Bear 10K Swim, a cold-water swim from Avila Beach Pier to the Pismo Bear Pier along the beautiful central California coast.
“It’s something I’ve been wanting to do, so I thought I’d try it myself first and maybe next year we’ll turn it into an event and see if anyone else wants to come out,” Rob explained to the San Luis Obispo Tribune about the charity swim for the Food Bank Coalition of San Luis Obispo County.
“I keep stepping it up. Spending a few hours in mid- to low-50-degree water (10°-13°C) isn’t for everybody. You really need to listen to your body. As a bigger dude I’m sure I have an advantage over other swimmers who are really lean with not much body fat to insulate them. I like the cold; it makes you feel alive.”
Read more about Rob’s 10K cold-water charity swim here.
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