The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

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Three Times Is A Charm For Miyuki Fujita

Miyuki Fujita, the Japanese Queen of the English Channel (7 successful crossings), added another marathon swim to her illustrious career.

She completed the first three-way crossing of Suruga Bay, south of Tokyo and within view of Mount Fuji. The deep Suruga Bay, with its tidal flows, is well-known in Japan and was captured in woodblock art by Japanese artists (shown on left).

Miyuki swam three legs of 10K each between Awa Island and Cape Ose: 2:53 on the first leg, 6:00 on the second leg and 4:13 on the third leg as she was in the 24°C (75.2°F) water for 13 hours and 6 minutes from 6:27 am to 7:33 pm.

In the words of Cliff Golding, “Miyuki is the kindest, most helpful, unassuming, yet tough-as-nails woman.”

For more photos, visit here. To read Miyuki’s own words on the swim in Japanese, visit here.

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