The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

To educate, entertain, and enthuse those who venture beyond the shore


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The Grrrrr River Swim from Klondike to the Yukon

This week, fearless ice and winter swimmer Ger Kennedy found himself up in western Canada serving as Ross Edgley‘s expedition leader on a 510 km river swim down along the Yukon River.

After he managed that logistical feat and got Edgley back on his feet and headed home, Kennedy found himself far away from his native Ireland. Bidding for a small propeller airplane to take him to a larger airport, he spent a day resting and recovering along a beautiful river and majestic surroundings in the Yukon.

Armed with his swimsuit, swim cap and goggles, what was an adventurer like Kennedy (expected) to do?

Kennedy, true to his nature, made quick plans, received a variety of permissions and authorizations, and executed an unprecedented unassisted 4 km swim along the Klondike River, a tributary of the Yukon, together with Liam Parfitt. He described his swim, “The water was 7°C at the start [naturally, Kennedy is a bioprene adventurer] but got mixed in with the 12°C of the Yukon River in West Dawson. We received permission from First Nation tribe for me to land at Moosehide. I was supported by a local logger in a Jetski with Liam and Thomas Kofler.

© 2024 Daily News of Open Water Swimming

to educate, enthuse, and entertain all those who venture beyond the shoreline

A World Open Water Swimming Federation project

3 thoughts on “The Grrrrr River Swim from Klondike to the Yukon”

  1. Liam Parfitt. However, would you define Liam’s swim as unassisted? In terms of your inaccurate comment about Ger, I personally asked him for information about his swim and I wanted to write about this unique swim for historical purposes. So you can point the blame for reporting on this swim on me. Ger did not write or send any press releases – or expect any article to be written.

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