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Swim Free Like A Dolfin

On Thursday, October 14th, Swim Free™ will distribute 1,200 free swimsuits donated by Dolfin swimwear to New York City children participating in the Asphalt Green Waterproofing Program.

Through Waterproofing, over 30,000 New York City public school children have learned how to swim and be safe in the water – free of charge – since 1993. The swimsuits, valued at $36,000, donated courtesy of Swim Free™ and Dolfin swimwear.

We are very pleased to collaborate with Swim Free™ [that created the innovative Swim Free Angels™] to get the swimsuits in the hands of these deserving children who truly need them,” said Jim Korth, President Dolfin Swimwear.

Carol Tweedy, Executive Director of Asphalt Green, said, “For most children participating in Waterproofing, it will be the first time they own an authentic swimsuit. There is no question that appropriate gear improves athletic performance.” That kind of support is greatly appreciated by those in the swimming community. “We hope this contribution of swimsuits will help these children gain the confidence they need to take lessons and thereby learn to be comfortable and, most importantly, safe in the water,” said Marjorie Spitz, Executive Director of Swim Free™.

Marjorie recently launched the Swim Free Angels™ who help people who are anxious around pools and in the open water. The Angels provide support onshore and in the water, offering encouragement and literally a hand, shoulder or resting area to help others overcome fear of the open water.

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