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Dan Martin, Back In The Saddle

After an initial postponement to Dan Martin‘s Global Triathlon, he is back on track with an announced start date of May 8th, 2011.

Dan will attempt to swim, bike and run around the world where his swim leg will follow the traditions of the English Channel community across the Atlantic Ocean from New York to Paris.

The 5,700K (3,603-mile) swim across the Atlantic from New York to Brest in northwestern France is estimated to take him between 3-4 months, all done without a wetsuit and with no floating or moving along the currents allowed during the time when he is not swimming.

Unlike the other three individuals who have crossed the Atlantic largely dependent upon drafting along the ocean currents and with a wetsuit, Dan’s Global Triathlon‘s ocean sea leg will follow the standard and more restrictive rules of stage swimming. That is, instead of getting on an escort boat and floating across the ocean when he is resting, sleeping and eating, Dan was going finish each day’s eight-hour swim and then mark his position by GPS. His boat will literally drop him back into the ocean to begin the next day’s swim at the precise spot he finished the day before.

According to his Cork, Ireland training partner Ned Denison, “There was a delay in the expected sponsorship for the event. We had the pleasure of meeting Dan at the 2009 Cork distance swim camp. He impressed us with his training, spirit and helpfulness to other swimmers. Dan will spend another year training to get bigger and stronger and be even better prepared.”

Copyright © 2010 by Steven Munatones

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