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Brent Rutemiller Leaves A Positive Legacy In Aquatics

Brent Rutemiller focused on shaping, creating, and promoting a positive environment in the swimming world since he first started coaching at the Brookwood Swim and Tennis Club in Edgewood, Kentucky in 1974.

Since the 1970’s until he was diagnosed with and fought off a rare form of plasma-cell leukemia in May 2021, he relentlessly shared information, commentary, prognostications, trends, results, race summaries, and luminaries of the sport through his dedicated activities on pool decks and behind a typewriter and later a laptop.

During the 1980’s, he served as the coach at O.A.S.I.S. in Cincinnati, Ohio, South Dearborn High School in Indiana, Mission Viejo Nadadores in California, and Phoenix Swim Club and Scottsdale Aquatics Club in Arizona. But it was in 1985 when he really started to make his voice clear in the sport when he took over the helm of Swimming World Magazine.

He continued as CEO and publisher of the leading swimming publication for 36 consecutive years. Swimming World has been a worldwide media outlet and trusted source for swimming news, training programs, techniques, and aquatic lifestyles.

In 2017, he became the dual CEO of both Swimming World and the International Swimming Hall of Fame. The merger is described as the most dramatic and radical move to assist the aquatics community in keeping its history real and relevant. Swimming World distributes content online, in print, and via social media and video platforms that is augmented by the history, library and initiatives of the International Swimming Hall of Fame along with Swimming World BiWeekly, Swimming Technique, and Swimming World Vault (a vast database of international swimming news, images, and more since 1960).

Rutemiller was a strong leader, never afraid to address controversial topics in the sport and was always hailing the heroes of the sport. Decade after decade, he brought attention to up-and-coming age group swimmers, new products, swimming camps, water polo tournaments, synchronized swimming and diving events, while always covering national and international championships around the world.

John Lohn, who worked alongside Rutemiller for years, knew the kind of person who Rutemiller was, “Throughout his time in the sport, Brent Rutemiller has worn numerous hats. He has been an athlete, coach, parent, journalist, host, publisher and CEO – to name just some of the roles he has handled. At one point, he coined the phrase: ‘If you want to win, first help someone else win!’ It is a tagline that stresses selflessness and one Rutemiller has frequently used, often at the end of an interview he conducted.”

Brent Rutemiller’s story was a true testament to the transformative power of swimming. He told his battle and victory over cancer in the video above.

Swimming is not just a recreational activity; it is a powerful form of medicine for both the body and mind. Rutemiller triumphed over health challenges partly through the healing powers of swimming.

Rutemiller was always a winner.

May he rest in peace.

© 2024 Daily News of Open Water Swimming

to educate, enthuse, and entertain all those who venture beyond the shoreline

A World Open Water Swimming Federation project

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