The Daily News Of Open Water Swimming

To educate, entertain, and enthuse those who venture beyond the shore


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Social Media Influencers in the Open Water: Who’s Who on Instagram

Social media has helped swimmers around the world connect and communicate. They create and coordinate all sorts of things, both in the water and on dryland.

We will look at the various social media platforms (Instagram, TikTok, X, and Facebook) and find some of the biggest names – that are literally brands in the modern-day era of media and in the sport of open water swimming.

The initial Instagram list below is not conclusive or comprehensive. There are other swimmers on the Internet with large followings, but this list is limited to competitive or solo open water swimmers who compete or competed on the professional marathon swimming circuit, participate in winter or ice swimming communities, attempt channel crossings, or do extreme, adventure, or high-altitude swims of various sorts.

The Women: Social Influencers on Instagram

The Men: Social Influencers on Instagram

Who have we missed?

Email to suggest additional social influencers who are popular and have significant sway in the open water swimming community.

© 2024 Daily News of Open Water Swimming

to educate, enthuse, and entertain all those who venture beyond the shoreline

A World Open Water Swimming Federation project

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